You can update any of the product attributes using the standard upload. For example, you want to bulk update the color code for some specific products, or you want to update the value for any of the custom attribute in one go for selective products. 

Upload Template

The standard upload template provides the following columns to be uploaded in excel / csv format. 

Stock Codestring No Either the product stock code should be populated or the product code should be populated. If the stock code is populated, then the value shall be populated only for the specific stock code. 
Product Code stringNoIf the stockcode is populated, this value is ignored. If the stock code is not populated and ProductCode is populated, then all the products within the product code are updated.
ColorstringNoThe exact color name as defined in the stock code. If you use color as part of the product variant definition and want to update an attribute value for all sizes within a specific color, then you should populate the color name along with the ProductCode. The color name should match the exact color name defined in the platform for this to work correctly. 
Attribute CodestringYesThe attribute code which needs to be updated. This code must match with what is already defined in the platform in custom attributes section. e.g. : Global Size
Attribute ValuestringYesThe value to be populated for the specific attribute code. 
OperationsstringNoIn some cases you want to update a new value or remove an associated value from the product. In this case operation value is used. 
Permitted value: add, remove, update or delete

Upload Rules

  1. Only 1 row per attribute code + Product Code + color is allowed. If there are duplicate rows, the record will throw an error.
  2. ProductCode OR ProductCode + Color OR StockCode – any of these combinations is compulsory. 
    1. If you provide a ProductCode and no other value - All variants of that SKU will be updated
    2. If you provide ProductCode+Color- Only variants of that color will be updated
    3. If you provide stockcode - Only specific stockcode will be updated
    4. If you provide all the values, stockcode, ProductCode & color, only variants of that color will be updated
  3. AttributeCode Must be exact as provided in the list. If it is not, the record will be rejected. 
  4. For all the dropdown / multi-select attributes, Option Value also MUST be exact as provided except where the attribute type = text 
  5. Attribute Type Rules:
    1. Text / TextArea: simple text input. The value provided shall replace the existing value. 
    2. Yes/No: Value should be Yes or No. The new value shall replace the current value. 
    3. Dropdown: The value provided shall replace the current value. The value provided MUST be existing in the system already else will be rejected.
    4. Multi-select
      1. Operation column supports 3 values, and these are COMPULSORY for ‘Multi-select’ attributes.
        1. Add – will add the value provided to already selected values for the attribute. 
        2. Remove – will remove the value provided from the list of values for specific attributes. 
        3. Replace - the current value in the system will be completely replaced by the new value.
      2. Values should be provided as ‘comma-separated’ list. For eg. – “black-tie,Christmas-party, evening,formal,occasion”

Upload Steps

  1. From your main menu go to Products > Bulk Import
  2. It opens the list view of all your historical imports
  3. Click on Bulk Import
  4. Select the data you want to import, ProductAtribute in this case
  5. Download the sample file, update the sheet with the data you want to import
  6. Click Next, upload the file
  7. The next window asks you to map the columns, The column name on the left should be mapped with the ones on the right.

  8. Validate your data for the final time and click on Next
  9. Data will be uploaded and updated status will be reflected in historical view.
    1. Success
    2. Error
    3. Partially Updated
  10. In case of any error, details can bee seen by clicking "i" icon above