Entity & Event Types:

In eCommerce, each webhook can be associated with a specific Entity Type and corresponding Event Type. The Entity Type represents the resource or object being tracked (e.g., a customer, an order), while the Event Type refers to the specific action that triggers the webhook (e.g., an order being created, a customer being updated). The below table outlines common entity types and their associated event types:

Entity TypeEvent TypeDescription
CompanyCompanyCreatedTriggers when a new company is created in the B2B module.
CompanyCompanyUpdatedTriggers when company details are updated in the B2B module.
CustomerCustomerCreatedFires when a new customer account is created.
CustomerCustomerUpdatedTriggers when customer details are updated.
CustomerCustomerDeletedNotifies when a customer account is deleted.
CustomerCustomerNewsletterSubscribeNotifies when a customer subscribes to newsletters.
CustomerCustomerNewsletterUnsubscribeNotifies when a customer unsubscribes from newsletters.
OrdersOrderCreatedTriggers when a new order is created.
OrdersOrderApprovedFires when an order is approved.
OrdersOrderCancelledNotifies when an order is canceled.
OrdersOrderDeliveredFires when an order is marked as delivered.
OrdersOrderUpdatedNotifies when the details of an order are updated.
OrderLinesOrderLineCreatedTriggers when a new order line (individual product in an order) is created.
OrderLinesOrderLineUpdatedNotifies when an individual order line is updated.
OrderLinesOrderLineDeletedNotifies when an order line is deleted.
ProductProductCreatedTriggers when a new product is created in the catalog.
ProductProductUpdatedTriggers when product details are updated.
ProductProductPriceUpdatedFires when the price of a product is updated.
PromotionPromotionCreatedFires when a new promotion is created.
PromotionPromotionUpdatedNotifies when an existing promotion is updated.
QuotesQuoteCreatedNotifies when a new quote is created.
QuotesQuoteUpdatedNotifies when an existing quote is updated.
RMARMACreateFires when a return request (RMA) is created.
RMARMAReceivedNotifies when a return (RMA) is received.
StoreStoreCreatedTriggers when a new store is created in the system.
StoreStoreUpdatedFires when store details are updated.