
Variable Group
Basic InfoIdUnique identifier for the order
Basic InfoCustomNoCustom order number, eg. SO12345 (prefix + numeric sequential number)
Basic InfoOrderNoOrder number without prefix
Basic InfoOrderDateOrder creation date
Basic InfoDueDateDue date for the order
Basic InfoOrderSourceSource from which the order was placed example- Web, CustomerSupport, Telephone
Basic InfoOrderTypeThe system supports the following orders types:
Standard = 0,
SubscriptionSeedOrder = 1,
PreOrder = 3,
GiftCardPhysical = 4,
SubscriptionFulfilmentOrder = 5,
EngravingOrders = 6,
ReplacementOrders = 7,
GiftCardVirtual = 8,
ForwardSalesOrder = 9,
GiftCardVirtualUpFront = 10,
SplitOrder = 11,
PickPayGO = 12 // this is a standard prepaid store order with no payment information
Basic InfoParentOrderCustNoParent order reference in case if this is a replacement order
Basic InfoCustomQuoteNoCustom quote number
Basic InfoStatusCodeOrder Status code
Basic InfoStatusStatus label
Basic InfoExternalStatusStatus in an external system (ERP, OMS, WMS)
Basic InfoLangCultureLanguage culture code based on the session captured
Basic InfoCurrencyCodeCurrency Code
Basic InfoCurrencySymbolCurrency Symbol
Basic InfoIsPreOrderIndicates if the order is a pre-order
Basic InfoCreatedByAdminIdentifier for the admin who created the order
Basic InfoPoNumberPO # associated with order
Basic InfoCreatedDate and time the order was created
Basic InfoCreatedByIdentifier for the creator of the order
Basic InfoLastUpdatedDate and time the order was last updated
Basic InfoLastUpdatedByIdentifier for the person who last updated the order
Customer DetailUserEmailEmail address of the user who placed the order
Customer DetailUserTelephoneTelephone number of the user
Customer DetailUserMobileNoDuplicate property
Customer DetailMobileNoMobile number associated with the order
Customer DetailCompanyIdCompany identifier
Customer DetailCompanyNameCompany Name
Customer DetailCompanyEmailEmail address of the company
Customer DetailContactNameName of the contact person for the order
AmountsSubTotalTotal amount before tax
AmountsTax1Exact Amount of the tax applied based on order total
AmountsTaxPercentPercentage of tax applied configured at country settings
AmountsShippingChargesCharges for shipping
AmountsShippingTaxTax on shipping
AmountsDiscountAmtTotal discount amount at header level
AmountsDiscountAmtWithoutTaxDiscount amount without tax
AmountsGrandTotalFinal amount for the order
AmountsPaidAmountAmount that has been paid for the order
AmountsAdditionalChargeAdditional Payment info
AmountsServiceTaxCalculated based on the Service Charge Promotion, if any applied
AmountsShippingCostPriceShipping cost price
AmountsGiftWrapChargeCharge for gift wrapping
AmountsRefundAmountThe total refunded amount, if any refunded against the order
PaymentPaymentAdditionalChargeAny additional charges for payment based on the specific payment method, for eg. COD
PaymentPaymentMethodSystemNameName of the payment method used for successful payment ignoring failed attempts
PaymentPaymentStatusStatus of the payment for the order
PaymentFraudScoreScore assessing the potential for fraud provided by your Payment source
AddressBillToCityBilling Address City
AddressBillToStateBilling Address State
AddressBillToZipBilling Address Post Code / Zip Code
AddressShipToCityShipping Address City
AddressShipToZipShipping Address Post Code / Zip Code
Shipment InfoShipMethodNameShipping method name
Shipment InfoShipmentMethodCodeCode of the shipment method
Shipment InfoTrackingNoTracking number at order header level
Shipment InfoTrackingLinkLink for tracking the shipment
Shipment InfoDeliveryInstructionInstructions for delivery
Shipment InfoStorePostCodePostal code of the store from which the order has been placed
Shipment InfoOpeningHoursOpening hours for the store
Shipment InfoCarrierShippingMethodCodeCode for the shipping method used by the carrier
Shipment InfoCarrierShippingMethodNameName of the shipping method used by the carrier
Shipment InfoShippingInfo1Carrier Provider name
Custom FieldsCustomInfo1Custom info 1
Custom FieldsCustomInfo2Custom info 2
Custom FieldsCustomInfo3Custom info 3
Custom FieldsCustomInfo4Custom info 4
Custom FieldsCustomInfo5Custom info 5
Subscription InfoHasSubscriptionIndicates if the order has a subscription
Subscription InfoIsSeedOrderIndicates if the order is a seed order
Subscription InfoSubscriptionTotalTotal cost of the subscription
MembershipMembershipPlanIdIdentifier for the membership plan
MembershipHasMembershipIndicates if the order includes a membership

Order Lines

Variable Group
Basic InfoCustomNoReference Order No
Basic InfoProductStockCodeStock code for the product.
Basic InfoMasterStockCodeCustom identifier for internal use, if the system requires specific custom numbers.
Basic InfoSkuThis is the product code which is common across all variants, if any exist under the child.
Basic InfoProductNameFull name of the product.
Basic InfoItemTypeSpecifies the type of item (e.g., Product, Bundle).
Basic InfoExternalStatusExternal system status for the order line.
Basic InfoDisplayOrderDisplay order for this line item in the UI or reports.
Basic InfoEngravingMessageCustom message for engraving, if applicable.
Basic InfoEngravingColorColor specified for the engraving text.
Basic InfoEngravingJobStatusStatus of the engraving job (e.g., completed, pending).
Basic InfoIsMembershipSpecifies if the product is related to a membership.
Basic InfoStatusThe current status of the order line, such as delivered, pending, or canceled.
Basic InfoStatusCodeCode representing the order line’s status code, used for system processing.
Basic InfoExternalRefNoUnique identifier for the order containing this line item, for order tracking purposes.
QtyQtyQuantity ordered for this line item.
QtyCancelledQtyQuantity that has been canceled for this line item.
QtyShippedQtyQuantity that has been shipped from this order line.
QtyReturnQtyRequestedQuantity for which a return has been requested by the customer.
QtyReturnQtyRecdQuantity received as a return for this order line.
AmountsDiscountTotal discount applied on this line item, including tax.
AmountsDiscountWithoutTaxDiscount amount on the item, excluding tax.
AmountsSellPricePerUnitSelling price per unit of the item.
AmountsLineTotalTotal line item cost, inclusive of discounts and taxes.
AmountsPriceWithoutTaxPrice for the line item, excluding tax.
AmountsTaxTotal tax applied to this order line.
AmountsAdditionalChargeAny additional charge applied specifically to this line item.
AmountsListPriceThe listed price of the product before any discounts or promotions.
AmountsTaxPercentThe tax percentage applied to the product line item, calculated based on the tax class.
AmountsProductCostCost price of the product for accounting and profitability analysis.
AmountsShippingChargeShipping cost calculated per unit, if applicable.
AmountsPaymentAdditionalChargeAdditional charge for any particular order line.
AmountsAdditionalServiceCostAny additional charge applied specifically to this line item.
Custom FieldsCustomInfo1Custom info 1.
Custom FieldsCustomInfo2Custom info 2.
Custom FieldsCustomInfo3Custom info 3.
Custom FieldsCustomInfo4Custom info 4.
Custom FieldsCustomInfo5Custom info 5.
Custom FieldsCustomInfo1FormattedFormatted value from custom info 1.
Custom FieldsCustomInfo2FormattedFormatted value from custom info 2.
Custom FieldsCustomInfo3FormattedFormatted value from custom info 3.
Custom FieldsCustomInfo4FormattedFormatted value from custom info 4.
Custom FieldsCustomInfo5FormattedFormatted value from custom info 5.
Product InfoWeightKgThe weight of the product in kilograms.
Product InfoLengthMmThe length of the product in millimeters.
Product InfoHeightMmThe height of the product in millimeters.
Product InfoProductUrlURL of the product page on the website.
Product InfoColorNameThe color of the product, allowing customers to select specific color variants.
Product InfoSizeThe size of the product for the particular order line.
Product InfoManufacturerThe name of the product manufacturer.
Product InfoSubManufacturerName of the sub-manufacturer, if applicable.
Product InfoShortDescriptionBrief description of the product, providing an overview for quick reference.
Product InfoDescriptionDetailed product description, including features and benefits, for customer insight.
Product InfoPreorderMessageMessage shown to customers when a product is available for preorder, e.g., estimated shipping time.
Product InfoPreorderShortMessageA short message indicating the product's preorder status, for quick display.
Product InfoPreorderLanchDateExpected launch date for preorder items, allowing customers to anticipate availability.
Product InfoProductTypeClassification of the product, such as electronics, apparel, etc.
Product InfoItemCategoriesCategories assigned to the product, which help customers find it in relevant sections.
Product InfoImageUrlURL to the main image of the product, used in listings and product pages.


Variable Group
Basic InfoOrderNoOrder number associated with the payment
Basic InfoStatusCurrent status of the payment, i.e. completed, pending, or declined
Basic InfoPaymentMethodMethod of payment used, e.g., credit card, debit card, PayPal
Basic InfoPaymentGatewayThe name of the payment gateway provider, e.g., PayPal, Stripe, etc.
Basic InfoIsRecurringIndicates if the payment is part of a recurring billing cycle, such as subscriptions
Basic InfoExternalRefNoExternal reference number from a third-party system associated with the payment
AmountsOrderAmountThe total amount of the order for which this payment is made
AmountsBalanceAmountThe remaining balance if the payment was a partial payment
PSP ResponseFraudScoreFraud score provided by the payment gateway or risk assessment service, indicating likelihood of fraud
PSP ResponseCvcResultResult of the Card Verification Code (CVC) check for this payment, indicating validation success or failure
PSP ResponseAvsResultAddress Verification System (AVS) check result, showing if the billing address matches the card issuer’s records
PSP ResponsePspSessionCookieSession cookie generated by the Payment Service Provider (PSP) during the transaction, used for session tracking
PSP ResponsePspResponseCodeResponse code from the PSP, indicating the status or result of the payment transaction
PSP ResponsePspResponseMessageDetailed message from the PSP about the transaction result, useful for debugging or customer communication
PSP ResponsePostAuthRequestDateDate when a post-authorization request was made, such as for capturing funds
PSP ResponsePostAuthResponseDateDate when the post-authorization response was received, marking transaction completion
Card DetailsTokenTokenized representation of the payment details, used to securely store payment info
Card DetailsCardNoThe masked card number associated with the payment, showing only the last 4 digits, with the rest as Xs
Card DetailsCardHolderNameName of the cardholder as provided during payment
Card DetailsIssuerCountryCountry where the card was issued
Card DetailsExpiryMonthExpiry month of the card used in the payment
Card DetailsExpiryYearExpiry year of the card used in the payment
DatesCreatedTimestamp of when the payment was created

Delivery Plans

Variable Group
Basic InfoRecordIdUnique identifier for each record in the delivery plan
Basic InfoOrderIdIdentifier linking to the specific order associated with the delivery plan
Basic InfoFulfilmentChannelChannel through which the order is fulfilled (e.g., stock, backorder, dropship)
Basic InfoShippingMethodTypesShipping methods type
Basic InfoShippingMethodNameShipping method name used in this delivery plan
Basic InfoShippingMethodCodeShipping method code
Basic InfoFulfilmentDeliveryCenterCodeDelivery center code managing the fulfillment of this order
Basic InfoShippingChargeTotal charge applied for shipping as per the selected method
Basic InfoNumberOfBoxesNumber of boxes required for packing and shipping the items in this plan
Store InfoRefStoreNameName of the store referenced for this delivery plan, if applicable
Store InfoPickupStoreCodePickup Code for click & collect order used for picking up order from store
DatesTargetDateTarget date by which the delivery should be completed
DatesLeadTimeLead time required for fulfillment of this delivery
DatesCreatedDelivery plan creation date and time
DatesCreatedByUsername who created the delivery plan
DatesLastUpdatedDelivery plan last updated timestamp
DatesLastUpdatedByUsername who last modified the delivery plan

Delivery Plan Lines

Variable Group
Basic InfoRecordIdUnique identifier for each record in the delivery plan line.
Basic InfoOrderDeliveryPlanIdUnique identifier of the delivery plan for this line item.
Basic InfoOrderLineIdUnique ID referencing the specific order line associated with the delivery.
Basic InfoStockCodeProduct Stock Code
Basic InfoQtyQuantity of items in this delivery line
DatesCreatedDelivery plan line creation timestamp
DatesCreatedByUsername who created the delivery plan line
DatesLastUpdatedDelivery plan line last updated Timestamp
DatesLastUpdatedByUsername who last updated the delivery plan line
Basic InfoProductNameName of the product associated with this delivery plan line
Fulfilment InfoStatusCurrent status of the delivery line item (e.g., pending, shipped)
Fulfilment InfoStatusCodeStatus code for the delivery plan line item
Fulfilment InfoLineFulfilmentChannelSpecifies the fulfillment channel (e.g., warehouse, backorder) for this line
Fulfilment InfoLineTargetDateTarget delivery date for this line item
Fulfilment InfoLineLeadTimeThe lead time required to fulfill this line item
Fulfilment InfoLineLeadTimeUomUnit of measurement for the lead time (e.g., days, hours)
Fulfilment InfoLineShippingSpeedSpeed of shipping (e.g., standard, expedited) chosen for this line item
Fulfilment InfoReturnQtyRequestedQuantity of items requested for return.
Fulfilment InfoReturnQtyRecdQuantity of items actually received as returned.
Fulfilment InfoLineDeliveryCenterCodeCode identifying the delivery center handling this line item.
Fulfilment InfoShippedQtyQuantity of the item that has already been shipped.
Fulfilment InfoCustomInfo1FormattedCustom information specific to the delivery plan


Variable Group
Basic InfoRecordIdUnique identifier for the product
Basic InfoProductDisplayNameDisplay name for the product
Basic InfoBrandBrand Name of the Product
Basic InfoSubBrandProduct Sub brand Name
IdentifierStockCodeUnique stockcode of the product
IdentifierBarcodeBarcode of the product
IdentifierMPNManufacturer Part Number
IdentifierGTNGlobal Trade Number
ClassificationTagsA set of keywords or labels associated with the product to enhance searchability and categorization.
ClassificationHSNHSN code of the product
ClassificationOriginCountryThe country where the product is manufactured or sourced from, often required for regulatory compliance.
DimensionsUomUnit of measurement
DimensionsUomValueUOM value
ReviewsRatingThe average score given to the product based on customer reviews.
FlagsDisplayInSearchCalculated Field - if active & visible = true and (stock > 0 OR Allow Backorder = True)
FlagsIsMasterStockA flag that indicates whether the product is designated as master stock which means parent of all variants stock codes.
FlagsHasVariantIndicates if product is a variant or a master product
FlagsIsActiveIndicates if the product is active
FlagsIsVisibleA flag that determines if the product is visible to customers in the online storefront.
FlagsIsGiftWrapAppliedIndicates if gift wrap is applied
FlagsGiftWrapOptionOptions for gift wrapping
FlagsSubscriptionEnabledIndicates if subscriptions are enabled
FlagsIsDiscontinuedIndicates if product is discontinued
FlagsDiscontinuationDateDate when the product is discontinued
Auto-FlagsBestSellerCalculated Field
Auto-FlagsNewLaunchCalculated Field
Auto-FlagsTrendingCalculated Field
Auto-FlagsOnSaleIndicates if product is on sale
Fulfilment InfoFulfilFromWarehouseIndicates if fulfilled from warehouse
Fulfilment InfoFulfilFromstoreIndicates if fulfilled from store
Fulfilment InfoFulfilFromSupplierIndicates if fulfilled from supplier
Fulfilment InfoFulfilFromWarehouseDaysDays to fulfill from warehouse
Fulfilment InfoFulfilFromSupplierDaysDays to fulfill from supplier
Fulfilment InfoFulfilFromInstoreDaysDays to fulfill from in-store
Fulfilment InfoCurrentStockThe current inventory level of the product.
AttributesColorColor of the product
AttributesSizeSize of the product
AttributesSeasonSeason for the product
AttributesColorCodeHex Color Code representing product color
AttributesGenderGender target for the product
AttributesOccasionOccasion suitable for the product
AttributesAgeGroupAge group target for the product
AttributesPatternPattern type of the product
AttributesMaterialMaterial of the product
AttributesFinishFinish type of the product
AttributesStyleStyle of the product
AttributesExclusiveIndicates if product is exclusive
Collections / ObjectsCustom AttributesCollection of custom attributes and their respective values for the product. The example below:
{% for att in Attributes -%}
{% if att.Key == ""product.amazonsku"" %}{% assign att2 = att.ValueText%}{% endif %}
{% if att.Key == ""product.flipkartsku"" %}{% assign att3= att.ValueText%}{% endif %}
{% endfor -%}
Collections / ObjectsClassificationAn Object which exposes the Immediate category for the product.
"categoryname": "{{Classification.MainCategoryName}}",
"customsetid": "{{Classification.AttributeSetId}}",
"itemtype": "{{Classification.ItemType}}"
Collections / ObjectsMappedCategoriesList of all categories that are mapped to the product. The object can be traversed within the script using the following example:
{% for N in MappedCategories-%}
{% if forloop.index != 1 %}, {% endif %}
"categoryid": "{{N.CategoryId}}",
"categoryname": "{{N.CategoryName}}",
"parentcategoryid": "{{N.ParentCategoryId}}",
"parentcategoryname": "{{N.ParentCategoryName}}",
"level": "{{N.Level}}"
{% endfor -%}
Collections / ObjectsPriceListCollection of all the price lists associated with the product. The example below shows how to use the collection within the webhook body along with its detailed properties:
{% for N in PriceList-%}
{% if forloop.index != 1 %}, {% endif %}
"costprice": {
"minprice": "{{N.CostPrice.MinPrice}}",
"minpricewithouttax": "{{N.CostPrice.MinPriceWithoutTax}}",
"maxprice": "{{N.CostPrice.MaxPrice}}",
"maxpricewithouttax": "{{N.CostPrice.MaxPriceWithoutTax}}",
"currencydecimalseparator": "{{N.CostPrice.CurrencyDecimalSeparator}}",
"currencydigitsafterdecimal": "{{N.CostPrice.CurrencyDigitsAfterDecimal}}",
"currencysymbol": "{{N.CostPrice.CurrencySymbol}}",
"raw": {
"withtax": "{{N.CostPrice.Raw.WithTax}}",
"withouttax": "{{N.CostPrice.Raw.WithoutTax}}",
"tax": "{{N.CostPrice.Raw.Tax}}"
"formatted": {
"withtax": "{{N.CostPrice.Formatted.WithTax}}",
"withouttax": "{{N.CostPrice.Formatted.WithoutTax}}",
"tax": "{{N.CostPrice.Formatted.Tax}}"
"sellprice": {
"minprice": "{{N.CostPrice.MinPrice}}",
"minpricewithouttax": "{{N.CostPrice.MinPriceWithoutTax}}",
"maxprice": "{{N.CostPrice.MaxPrice}}",
"maxpricewithouttax": "{{N.CostPrice.MaxPriceWithoutTax}}",
"currencydecimalseparator": "{{N.CostPrice.CurrencyDecimalSeparator}}",
"currencydigitsafterdecimal": "{{N.CostPrice.CurrencyDigitsAfterDecimal}}",
"currencysymbol": "{{N.CostPrice.CurrencySymbol}}",
"raw": {
"withtax": "{{N.CostPrice.Raw.WithTax}}",
"withouttax": "{{N.CostPrice.Raw.WithoutTax}}",
"tax": "{{N.CostPrice.Raw.Tax}}"
"formatted": {
"withtax": "{{N.CostPrice.Formatted.WithTax}}",
"withouttax": "{{N.CostPrice.Formatted.WithoutTax}}",
"tax": "{{N.CostPrice.Formatted.Tax}}"
"listprice": {
"minprice": "{{N.ListPrice.MinPrice}}",
"minpricewithouttax": "{{N.ListPrice.MinPriceWithoutTax}}",
"maxprice": "{{N.ListPrice.MaxPrice}}",
"maxpricewithouttax": "{{N.ListPrice.MaxPriceWithoutTax}}",
"currencydecimalseparator": "{{N.ListPrice.CurrencyDecimalSeparator}}",
"currencydigitsafterdecimal": "{{N.ListPrice.CurrencyDigitsAfterDecimal}}",
"currencysymbol": "{{N.ListPrice.CurrencySymbol}}",
"raw": {
"withtax": "{{N.ListPrice.Raw.WithTax}}",
"withouttax": "{{N.ListPrice.Raw.WithoutTax}}",
"tax": "{{N.ListPrice.Raw.Tax}}"
"formatted": {
"withtax": "{{N.ListPrice.Formatted.WithTax}}",
"withouttax": "{{N.ListPrice.Formatted.WithoutTax}}",
"tax": "{{N.ListPrice.Formatted.Tax}}"
"type": "{{N.Type}}",
"date": "{{N.Date}}"
{% endfor -%}
DatesLaunchDatePublished date of the product
DatesCreatedDate when the product was created
DatesLastUpdatedDate when the product was last updated


Variable Group
Basic InfoIdUnique Identifier GUID for a user
Basic InfoIidUnique identifier for the customer in numbers
Basic InfoFirstNameFirst name of the customer
Basic InfoLastNameLast name of the customer
Basic InfoTitleTitle of the customer
Basic InfoDayOfBirthCustomer Day of birth
Basic InfoMonthOfBirthCustomer birth month
Basic InfoCompanyRoleRole within the company
Basic InfoGenderGender of the customer
AddressCityCustomer’s city of residence
AddressCountryCountry of Origin - applicable only when we are running a multi-country setup and this records the country selected by user for their access
AddressPostcodePost code of the customer's default shipping address
Contact InfoPhoneNoPrimary phone number of the customer
Contact InfoEmailEmail of the customer
UsernameUserNameUsername of the customer
RegistrationIsCreatedByAdminIndicates if created by an admin user
GDPRNotifyByEmailReceive notifications by email
GDPRNotifyBySMSReceive notifications by SMS
GDPRNotifyByPostReceive notifications by post
MarketingNewsletterSubscribeFlag if subscribed to newsletter
FlagsHasMembershipIndicates if customer has a membership
FlagsHasSubscribedIndicates if customer has subscribed
FlagsHasSubscriptionIndicates if customer has an active subscription
Basic InfoCreatedUser creation timestamp
Basic InfoCreatedByUser who created the customer record
Basic InfoLastUpdatedDate and time the customer record was last updated
Basic InfoLastUpdatedByUser who last updated the customer record


Variable Group
AddressAddressTypeType of address (e.g., Billing, Shipping, Subscription)
AddressUserIdUnique Identifier GUID for a user
AddressTitleTitle / Tag for the address which user can update in front end (e.g., home, work, etc.)
AddressFirstNameFirst name of the customer
AddressLastNameLast name of the customer
AddressAddress1Address line 1; not directly usable as it’s in an array format. Use a loop in the webhook template to extract it.
AddressAddress2Address line 2; not directly usable as it’s in an array format. Use a loop in the webhook template to extract it.
AddressAddress3Address line 3; not directly usable as it’s in an array format. Use a loop in the webhook template to extract it.
AddressCityCity from the address; not directly usable as it’s in an array format. Use a loop in the webhook template to extract it.
AddressStateState from the address; not directly usable as it’s in an array format. Use a loop in the webhook template to extract it.
AddressCountryCountry from the address; not directly usable as it’s in an array format. Use a loop in the webhook template to extract it.
AddressCountryCodeCountry code from the address; not directly usable as it’s in an array format. Use a loop in the webhook template to extract it.
AddressPostCodePost code from the address; not directly usable as it’s in an array format. Use a loop in the webhook template to extract it.
AddressPhoneNoPhone number from the address; not directly usable as it’s in an array format. Use a loop in the webhook template to extract it.
AddressIsDefaultDeliveryFlag for default shipping address
AddressIsDefaultBillingFlag for default billing address
AddressIsDefaultFlag for customer's default address
AddressIsDefaultForSubscriptionFlag for default subscription address


Variable Group
Basic InfoPromoTypeSpecifies the type of promotion (e.g., discount, free shipping).
Basic InfoNameInternal name of the promotion, used for identification within the system.
Basic InfoDisplayNamePublic name displayed to customers for easy identification.
Basic InfoCodeUnique code assigned to the promotion, often used as a discount code at checkout.
Basic InfoCampaignCodeCode identifying the campaign under which this promotion has been categorized.
Basic InfoStatusIndicates the current status of the promotion (e.g., active, inactive).
Basic InfoIsActiveShows if the promotion is currently active and available for use.
Promo ConfigFromDateStart date of the promotion, from which it becomes available to customers.
Promo ConfigToDateEnd date of the promotion, after which it is no longer valid.
Promo ConfigUseWithOtherDiscountCodeAllows the promotion to be used alongside other discount codes if set to true.
Promo ConfigHasVouchersIndicates if this promotion includes vouchers.
Promo ConfigChannelsLists all applicable channels (web, store, app) for the promotion.
CRO InfoIsCROEnabledEnables or disables the CROMessage feature for this promotion.
CRO InfoCROMessageMessage displayed to encourage customers to complete their purchase, part of conversion rate optimization.
CRO InfoCROSuccessMessageMessage shown to customers after they’ve successfully used the promotion, as part of conversion rate optimization.

RMA Header

Variable Group
Basic InfoCustomNoCustom number associated with the RMA.
Basic InfoRefCustomNoCustomNo of the original order.
Basic InfoExternalStatusExternal system status of the RMA.
Basic InfoCompanyIdUnique identifier for the company, in case of B2B.
Basic InfoContactEmailUser email linked with the RMA.
Basic InfoCommentsAdditional comments related to the RMA.
Basic InfoPickupRequiredIndicates if pickup is required (Yes/No).
AmountsSubTotalAmount excluding taxes and additional charges.
AmountsTaxTax amount applicable to the RMA.
AmountsGrandTotalReturn amount including all charges and taxes.
Basic InfoReasonForReturnReason specified for returning the item(s).
Basic InfoRequiredActionReturn Action Refund/Replacement for return Order.
Basic InfoCreatedDate and time when the RMA was created.
Basic InfoCreatedByUser who created the RMA record.

Store Information

Variable Group
Basic InfoAccessCodeUnique Code assigned to a Store
Basic InfoNameStore Name
AddressLatitudeLatitude Location of the Store
AddressLongitudeLongitude Location of the Store
AddressAddress1Addressline 1 of the Store Address
AddressAddress2Addressline 2 of the Store Address
AddressCityCity of the store location
AddressStateState of the store location
AddressStoreImageStore image url
AddressCountryNameCountry of the store
AddressCountryCodeCountry Code of the store
AddressPostCodePostal Code of the Store address
Basic InfoOpeningHoursStore operating hours
Contact InfoTelephoneStore contact telephone number
Contact InfoStoreEmailEmail address for store communication
Contact InfoFaxStore fax number
FlagsActiveStatus indicating if store is active
Additional InfoInfo1General information field 1 for store
Additional InfoInfo2General information field 2 for store
Additional InfoCustomInfo1Custom information field for store
Additional InfoCustomInfo2Custom information field for store
Additional InfoCustomInfo3Custom information field for store
Additional InfoCustomInfo4Custom information field for store
Additional InfoCustomInfo5Custom information field for store
Additional InfoCustomInfo6Custom information field for store
Additional InfoCustomInfo7Custom information field for store
Additional InfoCustomInfo8Custom information field for store
Additional InfoCustomInfo9Custom information field for store
Additional InfoCustomInfo10Custom information field for store

Device Information

Variable Group
Basic InfoDeviceTokenA unique token generated by the device, typically used to identify and communicate with it for notifications or security purposes.
Basic InfoDeviceTypeThe type of device being used, such as "iOS," "Android," or other platform identifiers.
Basic InfoAppVersionThe current version of the app installed on the device, often represented as a version number (e.g., "1.2.3").