Welcome to the MAR 2021 release of Better Commerce. There are several updates in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include:


  1. Product Status: This release brings to you the ability to set the product status. When a product is created it is in the draft state which can later be marked activediscontinued or archived.

  2. Settings: New settings screen has been added both in the OMS and the Commerce hub to efficiently control the configurations.

eCommerce Enhancements

  1. Settings Screen: A new screen to manage and update general and all other settings has been provided. This is one place from where every setting like payment, taxes, language and others required to smoothly operate your business can be managed.

  2. Manage Product status
    This new feature allows you to maintain product status. When a product is created it gets saved as Draft by default whose status can later be updated as and when needed. Different statuses are Draft, Active, Archived, and Discontinued.

OMS Enhancements

  1. Carrier, Shipping Rule, and General Settings: These new settings screen has been provided in the interface for the users to make it easier for them to manage these information. These can be found under the settings section in the OMS.

  2. New Carrier Screen: This screen allows the user to view and manage all carrier-related settings.

  3. Tolerance in GRN: GRN can be done more than the ordered qty depending upon the defined tolerance defined %.

  4. Shipping Rule : This new setting allows to set rules of shipping based on which order shipments are derived.

Notable Bug fixes

  1. Media library Subfolder: The subfolders within the main folders in the media library now get displayed automatically without you having to refresh.
  2. Add product form: The reason for the fields displaying the values twice in the add and edit product form has been addressed in this release.