Welcome to the August 2021 release of Better Commerce. There are several updates in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include: 


  1. Product Completeness: You can now define the attributes that constitute the completeness of a product. When a product has all the defined attribute values, it's considered complete. Few example attributes can be name, price, category, description, images, etc.
  2. Universal-Search: The term ‘universal’ is used to refer to the displayed results because they provide content not just from a particular category but from across the platform for relatable items. With this new search in the commerce hub, you can globally search for a particular keyword that will fetch results from products, brand, category, customer, orders, etc.
  3. Cancel order at line level: Cancellation of an order line is the process of voiding an order or line. To avoid any confusion / discrepancies, this has been restricted at a certain state, for instance, you should not be able to cancel an order or line that has been invoiced. Canceling the order line at the allowed states cancels that line from the order management too so that you only pick-pack and invoice the required item(s).
  4. Brand preview:  On details page, a 'preview' button has been added which will help us / you to get a quick (over) view of the brand page.
  5. Launch date at the Product code level: With this new release you can now set the launch date at the product code level which launches all the variants of the product on the scheduled date.
  6. New media type-PDF in products: Product data can be further enriched as you now can attach pdf files as well along with other images. The attached file can be made visible on the site for the users to download/view.

eCommerce Enhancements

  1. Product Completeness: Because product information matters to us, we introduced the concept of "completeness" in our PIM. Better PIM's completeness is information about your enrichment quality. It tells you how many attributes are filled in for your products. You can define your own attributes that constitute the completeness of a product like a barcode, description, brand, category, image, price, URL, videos, and other custom attributes like size, color, etc.
  2. Variant Attribute Display: The variant display has been optimized to give a crystal clear picture of all the sizes and colors of a particular product. The section displays the size, color, their current stock and the state of the product if its active & published.
  3. Cancel order at line level: Cancellation of an order line is the process of voiding an order or line. This has been restricted at a certain state, for instance, you should not be able to cancel an order or line that has been invoiced. Canceling the order line at the allowed state cancels that line from the order management too so that you only pick-pack and invoice the required item(s).
  4. Optimization: An optimization has been done to improve the load time of the product list. Moreover the filters have been further organized and now the load time to populate the list has gone down significantly.    

  5. UOM in products: Unit of measurement is an important attribute of any product. This release adds UOM as a core attribute to define at what UOM you sell a particular product.

  6. Launch date at the Product code level: With this new release you can now set the launch date at the product code level which launches all the variants of the product on the scheduled date.

OMS Enhancements

  1. Receive more than transferred qty: The stock transfer feature has been further extended to allow you to be able to receive the extra qty that has been sent. This has been done so that there can be a real check on the sent/receive quantity. In the case where the received quantity is more/less than the sent quantity, the system can flag that there has been a glitch in the process of transfers. Either the sender has sent an extra quantity or the receiving end had made a mistake. In any case, the inventory will be corrupted & it can be rectified immediately.

  2. Returns from the stocker App: With this new release the returned item would go to Return Bin rather than the receiving bay.

  3. Stock take from the OMS web: Stock take is an important activity performed by the inventory manager in the warehouse. It's impossible to keep a track of exact inventory due to several obvious reasons like damage, loss, returns, etc. Hence, it is imperative to keep a regular eye on what you have in the physical location and what the system shows. The stock take feature has been simplified as you can now import a simple excel file and update the inventory based on the actual count.

Other changes / bug fixes

  1. Saving carousel in the product collection: You can now save an image banner with a simple click and drop on the product collection's landing page.

  2. Role group detail: The system role has been made visible for the super admin to see what users have what level of permissions in the platform.

  3. Brand landing page: The brand page now allows you to add widgets and set up your own custom or select from standard landing pages.