The platform provides multiple ways of setting up / importing products in the platform.
- Push the product data using REST API
- Upload product data using excel
This document covers how to import products using excel/csv. The standard template provides the following columns to be uploaded in excel / csv format
Field | Type | Compulsory | Description |
Name | String | Yes | Name of the product |
StockCode | String | Yes | This is the unique identifier for the product / bundle. This could either be auto-generated by the system or can also be provided by you as well |
ShortDescription | String | No | Short description of the product |
LongDescription | String | No | Long description of the product |
BrandName | String | No | Brand name of the product |
ItemType | String | Yes | This is product type that you are setting up. For example : simple product, gift card, bundle, etc. Simple Product = 1, Service = 2, Virtual = 5, Fixed Subscription = 8, Variable Subscription = 9, Addon = 10 |
StockOnHand | Numeric | No | This is the current stock on hand count in the warehouse. If you do not provide any value, system by default sets it to 0. |
SupplierCode | String | No | This is the default supplier code for this product. It is okay to leave it blank if you do not wish or have this info at this stage. |
CostPrice | Numeric | No | This the cost of the product. If you do not provide any value, system by default sets this value to 0. |
SellPrice | Numeric | No | This is the price at which you sell it to the customer. This includes VAT. This the cost of the product. If you do not provide any value, system by default sets this value to 0. |
SellPriceExclusiveVat | Numeric | No | This is the price at which you sell it to the customer. This excludes VAT. This the cost of the product. If you do not provide any value, system by default sets this value to 0. |
Listprice | Numeric | No | This is the recommended retail price. This the cost of the product. If you do not provide any value, system by default sets this value to 0. |
Status | Boolean | No | This is the status of the product. 1=Draft 2=Active 3=Archived 4=Discontinued If you do not provide any value, system by default picks 1 i.e. Draft. |
BarCode | String | No | This is the barcode of the product. This can be provided at this stage or later generated from the system. |
Image | String | No | This takes the complete URL of the image. |
Category | String | No | This is the category of the image. |
Size | String | No | This takes the size attribute value.(If Applicable) |
ColorName | String | No | This takes the color name of the product.(If Applicable) |
Material | String | No | This takes the material of the product.(If Applicable) |
Weight | Decimal | No | This takes the weight of the product.(If Applicable) |
Note | String | No | You can add a note for the product using this field. |
CountryOfOrigin | String | No | This field takes the country of origin of the product. |
HSNCode | String | No | This field takes the HSN code of the product. |
UOM | String | No | This field is unit of measurement of the product. The supported values are: Bag,Bucket,Bundle,Bowl,Box,Centimeters,Card,Case,Carton,Dozen,Each,Foot, Gallon,Gross,Inches,Kit,Liter,Lot,Meter,MilliLiter,Millimeter,Piece,Pack,Pack 100,Pack 50,Pair,Rack,Roll,Set of 3,Set of 4,Set of 5,Single,Sheet,Square ft, Tube, Yard |
DimLength | Decimal | No | This is length dimension of the product. |
DimWidth | Decimal | No | This is width dimension of the product. |
DimHeight | Decimal | No | This is height dimension of the product. |
Stockable | Boolean | No | This field defines if the product is stackable in the warehouse or not. If you do not provide any value, system by default picks 1 i.e. Yes. |
ProductCode | String | Yes | Product Code is the common identifier of all the product variants within it. For example PS001 is the product code which can have 4 stock codes within it PS001-Red-Small,PS001-Red-Medium, PS001-Blue-Small,PS001-Blue-Medium,Stock Code is a unique value which can also be used to identify a product. This can stay same as stock code incase product doesn't have a variant. |
ColorCode | String | No | This field takes the color code of the product.(If Applicable) |
Gender | String | No | This field takes the gender of the product.(If Applicable) |
FulfilmentChannelId | String | No | This field is to set up the fulfilment channel. This can be left blank as it is not a mandatory field. |
FulfilFromWarehouse | Boolean | No | This value is needed in 1(True) or 0(False). If you fulfill this product's order from your warehouse, the value has to be 1 else 0. If you do not provide any value, system by default picks 1 i.e. True. |
SellWithoutInventory | Boolean | No | This again take 1 or 0. If a product has value 1 against this field, it means you can receive orders even you run out of stock. If you do not provide any value, system by default picks 0 i.e. False. |
FulfilFromSupplier | Boolean | No | This field too takes 1 or 0. If 1 it means this is primarily a dropship product else supply 0 against this field. If you do not provide any value, system by default picks 0 i.e. False. |
IsPreorderEnabled | Boolean | No | This field takes 1 or 0. if 1-it means the product is enabled for preorder.If you do not provide any value, system by default picks 0 i.e. False. |
PreOrderMaxStock | Integer | No | You can define the maximum preorders that you wish to take for this product if preorder is enabled in the previous field. Units of measure - by default, its set to pc (pieces).If you do not provide any value, system by default picks 0. |
Steps to bulk upload product file:
- Go to Products > Bulk Import
- Select the type of data import you want to do. (Upload Product, Upload Product Relationship). In order to upload/establish the relationship(variants or bundles) you need to import the standard products first.
- Download the sample file from this screen.
- Prepare the file for import. Fields descriptions can be found above.
- Drag and drop or choose the file from your local computer to import and click on Next.
- Map the data fields of the system against the excel file columns and click on Next.
- Preview your data to verify. Once verified, click on Next.
- The import must start processing and completed successfully shortly. Now if you want to upload the relationship file or establish a relationship among the products you just imported follow the steps here.