Key Highlights

  1. Introducing Social Login - Authenticate Seamlessly:  Wait is over! We are thrilled to announce the launch of the most awaited and highly anticipated feature of social login. With social login, users now have the option to authenticate themselves on our platform using their social media accounts, such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, and GitHub.
  2. Introducing Compare Flag: With this enhancement, we have extended the attribute setting to include a "Compare" flag, empowering you to customize product comparisons on both Product Display Pages (PDP) and Product Listing Pages (PLP).
  3. EDD Bulk Upload: We have implemented a feature of the EDD configuration is the ability to upload all required files conveniently using the CSV (Comma-Separated Values) box. Users can now easily upload and manage their files directly within the EDD configuration interface. 

Commerce Hub

  1. Order Status UpdateWe have made improvements to the admin interface, providing a more intuitive and user-friendly experience for managing orders. Admin users can now select multiple orders and update their status in a single action. This eliminates the need to individually update each order, streamlining the process and improving productivity.
  2. Flexibility to Re-raise Cancelled RMAs: With this update, if an RMA was previously created and subsequently cancelled, users now have the option to re-raise the Return/Exchange request without any changes to the existing validation and eligibility criteria. 
  3. Introducing Channel Type Filtering: You now have the ability to filter orders based on the channel type they were received from. Whether it's web, app, store, or any other defined channel in your system, this new filter option empowers you to quickly find and analyse orders specific to a particular channel.
  4. Social login: One of the most awaiting features has been launched. With social login, users now have the option to authenticate themselves on our platform using their social media accounts, such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, and GitHub. For more details, please contact your account manager.
  5. Webhook retry mechanism: When a webhook delivery attempt encounters a temporary failure (e.g., network error, server downtime), the retry mechanism is triggered automatically. The webhook will be retried according to the predefined retry strategy, ensuring that the data reaches its destination successfully. In the event of a successful retry, you can rest assured that your integrations receive the latest and most accurate information.
  6. Refer a friend: Our platform now offers a seamless and intuitive Refer-a-Friend feature. Users can easily invite their friends, sharing the benefits of your platform while unlocking exciting rewards. For more details, please contact your account manager.
  7. EDD Bulk Upload Feature: We have implemented a feature of the EDD configuration is the ability to upload all required files conveniently using the CSV (Comma-Separated Values) box. Users can now easily upload and manage their files directly within the EDD configuration interface.


  1. Introducing Compare Flag: We have extended the attribute setting to include "Compare" flag, designed to cater to your unique business needs. How it benefits your business?
    1. Selective product comparisons: With the "Compare" flag, you now have the flexibility to choose which products can be compared and which ones are exempted. Fine-tune your offerings, ensuring that only relevant and comparable items are part of the comparison pool.
    2. Customized customer experience: Tailor the comparison functionality to suit your target audience. By limiting product comparisons, you provide customers with a more focused and meaningful decision-making process, leading to increased customer satisfaction.
    3. Highlight unique selling points: Highlight specific products that excel in certain aspects. By allowing them to be compared, you emphasize their unique selling points, making it easier for customers to make informed choices.
  2. Category and Brand media storage: Enrich your category and brand pages with a wide array of images and files. Showcase products, promotions, and brand stories to engage users visually and inspire them to explore further.
  3. Featured brand and category: Included a flag for featured brand and category in the API response, by selectively showing featured brand and category content, you can curate a more engaging and relevant user experience, driving higher engagement and conversion rates. Customize the display of featured brand and category information based on your site's theme, marketing campaigns, or seasonal promotions. Showcase what matters most to your audience.
  4. PDF Upload and tagging: We have implemented a new enhancement wherein we can now tagged PDF files which will displayed correctly after the save process. Tags assigned to PDFs or other files will be visible, providing better organization and identification of the uploaded content.
  5. Bulk Category Upload: Say goodbye to manual, time-consuming category creation. Our platform now supports bulk category creation, allowing you to streamline the process effortlessly. 
  6. Display 5 level Category: Now organize categories in a more granular manner, providing greater flexibility and precision in structuring your product catalog. This enhancement allows for a more comprehensive representation of your products, ensuring a seamless browsing experience for your customers.

Notable bug fixes and improvements

  1. Unable to approve order issue resolved: We've fixed the issue where order approval was not possible due to order total and paid amount mismatch. Now, you can seamlessly approve orders without any discrepancies.
  2. GWP items in despatch emails: Rest assured, GWP (Gift with Purchase) items will no longer be missing from despatch emails. Your customers will receive accurate and comprehensive order details.
  3. Enhanced product attribute upload: You can now perform "add" and "remove" operations for product attributes within the same Excel upload file. Managing attributes has never been easier!
  4. Cancellation webhook fix: We've addressed the problem where the cancellation webhook wasn't triggering when using the bulk upload order status feature. Now, you'll receive timely updates on order cancellations.
  5. Product collection deletion: Say goodbye to the issue preventing you from deleting product collections from the listing page.
  6. Product collection NOTIN condition fix: The product collection with NOTIN condition is now fully addressed, enabling accurate filtering and categorization.
  7. Streamlined basket Re-validation: Baskets will now be re-validated during checkout and when adding or removing items from the cart. 
  8. Collection listing page optimization: Experience a significant boost in speed and responsiveness on the collection listing page. Browsing collections is now smoother and quicker.
  9. Images coming from BLOB: Handling for homepage images in CMS has been fixed, now we should not be seeing blob image url anywhere on the site.

We're here to help!

Our team is dedicated to making your experience with BetterCommerce as smooth as possible. If you have any questions or need assistance with any feature, feel free to reach out to our support team.