Key Highlights

  1. Fraud Rule Enhancement: New addition in the configuration to set fraud rule. If the calculated percentage exceeds a set threshold between MRP/RRP and selling price, order lines trigger holds, ensuring security and prevention against any fraudulent activity.

  2. Brand and Category Image Upload: Extended our bulk upload option for users so that they can now seamlessly upload brand and category images using the convenient bulk import option.

Commerce Hub

  1. Custom Email Date Format: We are excited to introduce a new feature that allows users to customize the date format within email templates. With this enhancement, you now have the flexibility to tailor the date format to your specific needs when creating or editing email templates.

  2. Fraud Rule Enhancement: Introducing a price difference validation feature for order lines. If the calculated percentage exceeds a set threshold between MRP/RRP and selling price, order lines trigger holds, ensuring accuracy and independence from other configurations.

  3.  RMA Update Handling: We have implemented a solution to address Increff RMA notifications more effectively. Our system now validates the RMA information received from Increff against our database before sending notifications. This ensures that notifications are sent only for RMAs that exist in our system, eliminating unnecessary alerts.

  4.  IgnoreRollup' Property in Advance Search: In the Advanced Search Minimal feature, we have made a fix to ensure that the IgnoreRollup property is correctly considered in the filters when it's provided as an input parameter. This enhancement ensures that the filtering process accurately reflects the specified IgnoreRollup property, improving the search functionality.

    Retrieve user orders based on certain filter: The new API endpoint allows you to narrow down your search to retrieve user specific orders based on a specific date and time range. With this new endpoint, this API will retrieve the stock code CSV of all orders falling within that specified timeframe..

    1. Bulk Editor Staging Queue: We're introducing a staging area to our bulk editor. When multiple products are selected for updates, a staging view will appear before finalizing changes. The staging area offers filtering options, individual and bulk record approvals with comments, and utilizes AG Grid for seamless implementation. A feature toggle provides control, and data updates are securely managed in a separate service and controller.

    2. Brand and Category Image Upload: Extended our bulk upload option for users so that they can now seamlessly upload brand and category images using the convenient bulk import option.

    3. Category Assignment:  With the recently change, we have implemented a functionality enhancement. Now, when a user attempts to assign a category using bulk import, category product mapping, or the product editor, the system will automatically insert the lowest category ID into the product table. This improvement streamlines the category assignment process, ensuring that products are categorized accurately and efficiently.

    4. Validation in add to existing variant: We've made an enhancement to the "Add to Existing Variant" feature. Now, when adding products to an existing variant, only those products with different color and size variants will be added. This refinement ensures a more efficient and organized variant management process, preventing duplication, and streamlining your product catalog..


Notable bug fixes and improvements

  1. Voucher Claim Issue: If a user attempts to apply the same promotion to another basket and that promotion is already applied in a different basket or has been used in a converted order, an error for 'Invalid Promotion' will be triggered. This ensures fair and consistent promotion usage, preventing duplicate promotions across multiple baskets
  2. Preview URL Issue: Previously, when accessing the product preview URL, it would append a double slash in the URL, which was leading to 404 error. We've fixed this problem, ensuring that product preview URLs are generated correctly.
  3. Multiple Method ID Getting Passed in webhook: Previously, when a customer attempted multiple payment methods while placing an order, the system would capture and send all the method IDs. We are pleased to inform you that with this release, the system will still capture all the method ID of the payment method that was used however, it will only send the method ID of the payment to Pick Pay Go which was marked as paid to place the order.
  4. Unable to Save Meta Title for Level2 Variant: Previously, when attempting to save Meta Title information in a variant's SEO settings, it would not retain the SEO Title information. With this release, we have successfully resolved this issue. Users can now save SEO information for variants without any difficulties.
  5. QC reason is changing for RMA in commercehub: Earlier, QC reasons for specific line items were not updating correctly in the CH system, despite being received accurately from Increff.  For example, in RMA812022, we observed that QC status against all item lines was received, but in the CH system, it was only updated for 2 lines. with this release QC reasons for (RMAs) are now accurately synchronized between Increff and the CH system